Cards Against Marvel Card Game


Cards Against Marvel is a hilarious, dirty send up of your favourite Marvel films from Spider Man to Black Panther. Bringing hours of laughs!

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Category: SKU: TT-151


Cards Against Marvel is based on the game Cards Against Humanity. The game principle is identical, but at Cards Against Marvel the questions/answers are completely inspired by the Marvel Universe. For example: What is Tony Stark wearing under his Iron Man costume?

A player reads out a card with an incomplete sentence. In turn, the other players may complete the sentence with one of their answer cards. You get the most unpredictable, sometimes even shocking, answers that lead to funny situations.

Any Marvel fan will be as pleased with this game as Mary Jane with Spider-Man!

The Cards Against Marvel game contains 944 cards, of which 298 are question cards and 644 are answer cards. The game is only suitable for adults.