Uno All Wild Card Game

Original price was: R150.00.Current price is: R120.00.

UNO All Wild card game, every single card is wild for a fast-paced, even more unpredictable version of this family favorite!

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Category: SKU: TT-160


In UNO All Wild card game, every single card is wild for a fast-paced, even more unpredictable version of this family favorite! There’s no matching of number or color like regular UNO®, but it’s not as easy as it sounds. Special Action Cards really change the game! There’s a Wild Skip Two card where players skip two other players instead of the traditional one, a Wild Forced Swap card where players change entire hands and more! This edition is as addictive as it is exhilarating and makes a great gift for players 7 years and older. Colors and decorations may vary.

Play is fast with no matching colors or numbers required as in classic UNO®.
It’s also more surprising with the action cards in the deck — Wild Reverse, Wild Skip and Skip 2, Wild Draw 2 and 4, Wild Forced Swap and Wild Targeted Draw 2.
Don’t forget, when players get down to only one card they must yell ‘UNO!’
Makes a great gift for UNO® fans ages 7 years and older.